After graduating from high school and completing my military service, I decided against studying sports economics and instead studied business administration. After that, I was quickly let loose on people as a divisional manager at Aldi Süd. After Australia seemed too far away for me, I had to continue my career with another company. As Area Manager Germany at a subsidiary of the Linde Group, I was responsible for the production sites and stores in Germany. Although it was a startup, the corporate structures took hold and after a few exhausting years, not only the company but also, I was at the end. So, I decided to work independently from then on.
This was the start of my journey away from pure management and hierarchical leadership towards projects and my further education in adult education and training. During the coronavirus period, I was lucky enough to be taken on permanently by a client. After my work shifted more and more to international projects with corporations and thus further and further away from direct customers and trainers, I decided to resign and focus on my self-employment again.
I am currently an honorary representative of the German Mediation Foundation for Bremen and Bremerhaven.
I have a keen sense.
I can speak freely.
I am creative and have a talent for improvisation.
I am an organizer and structure.
I can listen and do not take myself too seriously.
I can lead people.
I am often too direct and can crush people.
I am funny and can laugh at myself.
I am attentive and open.
I can cook.
I am fast in thinking and talking.
I have a service character and see the work (firsthand is not foreign to me)
I love to learn.
I try to live without judgment or judgmentalism.
I should work on my calmness.
To be successful, a company needs three things: a product that is bought, the right people and the right processes and structures. Over the years, I have worked for a lot of companies in a wide range of industries and sizes at all hierarchical levels. I can do this because I always focus on the people and structures in their context - I have nothing to do with the product itself.
Die Grundlage von allem ist die Kommunikation. Sie verbindet und führt den Menschen sowie die Prozesse/Strukturen passend zusammen. Arbeit an der Beziehung vor Arbeit an der Sachebene. Konflikte gibt es in jedem Projekt. Über die Jahre habe ich eine so große Vielfalt und Expertise in den verschiedensten Branchen aufgebaut zu den oben genannten Themen, dass ich Ihnen auf Augenhöhe als Sparringspartner zur Verfügung stehen kann, Sie in z.B. Change Projekten begleiten oder Ihnen sagen wer es kann. Trainieren werde ich nur meine Themen: Projektmanagement, Führung, Kommunikation und Konflikt.
Mediation ist mir eine besondere Herzensangelegenheit, da Sie alles verbindet. Ich führe Menschen durch einen strukturierten Prozess. Die Kommunikation ist in dieser Konfliktsituation besonders entscheidend. Und am Ende definieren wir wie in einem Projekt "Wie gehen wir miteinander künftig um" oder ganz platt "Wer macht was bis wann". Ich kann und darf also alle meine Kompetenzen und beruflichen Rollen wirkungsvoll einbringen. Einen besonderen Fokus bedarf es hierbei bei der Mediation im öffentlichen Raum. Z.B. bei Umweltmediationen oder städtebaulichen Maßnahmen. Viele Parteien mit teilweise total entgegengesetzten Standpunkten. Gute Moderation und viel Erfahrung und Geschick werden diese aufgelöst und zu einer gemeinsam Lösung geführt.